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Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? What’s your background in Art?
I’m from Orlando, Florida. I’m an illustrator and concept designer for the entertainment industry.
Do you have people who inspired you to create? In what way?
I have been fortunate in that I have been surrounded by so many beautiful, talented, creative souls. Each and every one of them brings a different perspective on art that give a nuanced understanding of each artistic discipline. I was even fortunate enough to meet one of my heroes, Katsuya Terada, in person and still hold an original drawing of his close to my heart.
What type of work are you currently doing? Do you have a practice for separating your personal Art from your professional Art?
I do mostly digital artwork to inform other members of my team about what various things could look like. As for professional and personal art separation, I’m still trying to figure that out. If you have some ideas, please tell me!
What part of your Art-making process do you enjoy most?
Drawing. The initial idea, extracting it from a few raw scribbles into something more tangible.
Like me, I know you use different mediums. At the moment, which are your favorites and why?
In my personal work, I stick with pen and ink or graphite, but for digital, my media bounces between different software packages to get a better understanding of the ideas I draw.

Do you have a favorite product or tool you wouldn’t mind sharing with other artists?
I always carry a pencil and a small notebook for whenever ideas strike.

I know you traveled in 2023. Where did you go? How does travel influence your Art? Do you have any plans for travel in 2024?

I went to a few destinations in Asia. Hong Kong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Min City, Osaka, Kyoto. Each of those places brought new perspectives on culture, food, art, and a better appreciation for nature for me. As for 2024, I’m not sure yet.

Do you have advice for other artists who might be thinking of following in your footsteps?

Patience, determination, curiosity, and humility will take you far in the entertainment field.

Where can someone see more of your creations? Are you on Social Media? (links) Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this interview Jarrod!

I’m less active on social media lately, but you can see my portfolio at and I am @sketchforge on Instagram


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